Has Kirk Lost It?
Join the debate on whether Kirk Minihane’s once-brilliant antics have gone off the rails. “Minifans” attempt to warrant his increasingly unhinged rants to the questionable decisions behind the mic.
Menners is the Worst.
Is there a more infuriating personality in the KMS universe than Menners? We don’t think so, and neither do you.
Luke: Public Enemy #1.
Luke, oh Luke. Public enemy #1 in the eyes of many KMS fans. If you need a place to channel your frustration, ridicule, or bewilderment about Luke, look no further than KMSucks.com.
The Saving Graces: @JonfromScrant0n and @BarstoolAdvisor.
KMSucks.com isn’t just about the worst of the KMS world—there’s a glimmer of hope. The only reason we exist is to honour the unsung heroes: @JonfromScrant0n and @BarstoolAdvisor.
At KMSucks.com, we thrive on chaos, subpar content and the conversations that come with it. Whether you’re here to criticize, laugh, or just feel better about your own podcast/network, this is your home.